You are not currently viewing the most recent Marketing Evolution Summit. Go to Marketing Evolution Summit 2022.
8:00 AM |
Continental breakfast n
9:00 AM |
Opening remarks s
9:05 AM |
Keynote- Merge: The closing gap between technology and us s
9:40 AM |
Why AI? The impact of artificial intelligence s
10:15 AM |
From kickstarter to challenger: Knixwear's disruptive new model s
10:45 AM |
Morning break n
11:05 AM |
The Future 100: Key trends for marketers s
11:35 AM |
Brand building at fintech Speed s
12:05 PM |
Lunch + Smart speakers and the audio revolution hosted by Globe and Mail n
1:05 PM |
Racing towards regulation: Branding in Canada's new cannabis market s
1:35 PM |
The evolving role of the CMO s
2:10 PM |
Beer to the future: Labatt's Todd Allen on planning for the next decade s
2:40 PM |
Afternoon break n
3:00 PM |
Building brands with purpose s
3:20 PM |
Keynote- GE: Innovation outside the box s
4:00 PM |
Closing remarks s
4:05 PM |
Cocktail reception n